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Introduction to behavioral modeling:
blocks for sequential and combinational logic.=
vs. <=
, else
, case
, while
).Advanced behavioral modeling:
Introduction to advanced verification concepts:
2 to 1 decoder
with behavioral modelUse Makefile for Unix building
Use makefile.ps1 for Windows building.
2 to 1 decoder
modelSee decoder_2to1.sv
Notes on this circuit:
The SystemVerilog code:
// Module: decoder_2to1
// 2-to-1 decoder
// module: decoder_2to1
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef decoder_2to1
`define decoder_2to1
module decoder_2to1 (
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
input logic sel,
input logic en,
output logic y0,
output logic y1
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
always_comb begin
if (en) begin
if (sel == 0) begin
y0 = 1;
y1 = 0;
end else begin
y0 = 0;
y1 = 1;
end else begin
y0 = 0;
y1 = 0;
`endif // decoder_2to1
2 to 1 decoder
test bench///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Module: Testbench for module decoder_2to1
// Testbench for decoder_2to1
// module: tb_decoder_2to1
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`timescale 1ns/100ps
`include "decoder_2to1.sv"
module tb_decoder_2to1;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
//inputs are reg for test bench - or use logic
//outputs are wire for test bench - or use logic
logic sel;
logic en;
logic y0;
logic y1;
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE DEVICE UNDER TEST (DUT) ----------------
decoder_2to1 dut (
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : initialize_variables
en = 0;
sel = 0;
initial begin
//$monitor ($time,"ns, select:s=%b, inputs:d=%b, output:z1=%b", S, D, Z1);
initial begin : dump_variables
$dumpfile("decoder_2to1.vcd"); // for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
$dumpvars(2, dut);
* display variables
initial begin: display_variables
// note: currently only simple signals or constant expressions may be passed to $monitor.
// $monitor ("X1-X2-X4-X4 = %b, Z1 = %b", {X1,X2,X3,X4}, Z1);
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin : apply_stimuli
#10; // Wait for a short period after start
// Test case 1: en = 0, sel = 0
if (y0 !== 0 || y1 !== 0) begin
$error("Test case 1 failed: Output should be 0 when en is 0");
$display("Test Case 1: en=0, sel=0, y0=%b, y1=%b (PASS)", y0, y1);
// Test case 2: en = 1, sel = 0
en = 1;
sel = 0;
if (y0 !== 1 || y1 !== 0) begin
$error("Test case 2 failed: y0 should be 1 and y1 should be 0");
$display("Test Case 2: en=1, sel=0, y0=%b, y1=%b (PASS)", y0, y1);
// Test case 3: en = 1, sel = 1
en = 1;
sel = 1;
if (y0 !== 0 || y1 !== 1) begin
$error("Test case 3 failed: y0 should be 0 and y1 should be 1");
$display("Test Case 3: en=1, sel=1, y0=%b, y1=%b (PASS)", y0, y1);
// Test case 4: en = 1, sel changing
en = 1;
sel = 0;
sel = 1;
sel = 0;
$display("Test Case 4: en=1, sel changing, y0=%b, y1=%b", y0, y1); // Just display, more complex checking could be added.
// End the simulation
make COMPONENT=decoder_2to1 clean compile simulate display
/bin/rm -f decoder_2to1 decoder_2to1.vvp decoder_2to1.vcd *.vcd a.out compiler.out
Compiling component: decoder_2to1
iverilog -g2012 -o decoder_2to1.vvp decoder_2to1.sv tb_decoder_2to1.sv
Simulating component: decoder_2to1
vvp -M . decoder_2to1.vvp -lxt2
LXT2 info: dumpfile decoder_2to1.vcd opened for output.
Test Case 1: en=0, sel=0, y0=0, y1=0 (PASS)
Test Case 2: en=1, sel=0, y0=1, y1=0 (PASS)
Test Case 3: en=1, sel=1, y0=0, y1=1 (PASS)
Test Case 4: en=1, sel changing, y0=1, y1=0
tb_decoder_2to1.sv:114: $finish called at 600 (100ps)
Opening GTKwave for component: decoder_2to1