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< 5 points >
| Total points | Explanation |
| -----------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0 | Not handed in |
| 1 | Handed in late |
| 2 | Handed in on time, not every problem fully worked through and clearly identifying the solution |
| 3 | Handed in on time, each problem answered a boxed answer, each problems answered with a clearly worked through solution, and **less than majority** of problems answered correctly |
| 4 | Handed in on time, **majority** of problems answered correctly, each solution boxed clearly, and each problem fully worked through |
| 5 | Handed in on time, every problem answered correctly, every solution boxed clearly, and every problem fully worked through.
GitHub Classroom Assignment Link: https://classroom.github.com/a/GSFzh7kV
Do your work on your specific GitHub Classroom repo. Remember to just add the GitHub repository to the Microsoft Team’s assignment from here. Using Behavioral Modeling in SystemVerilog, create the following modules that will be used in your final project — your CPU and memory design of your own computer. Parameterize your bit length so that you can define any bit size in your test bench, not hardcoding that in your module definition. Use 8-bits are the default bit length.
// Module: full_adder
// Parameterized n-bit full adder
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef full_adder
`define full_adder
`include "bit_full_adder.sv"
module full_adder #(parameter N = 8) (
input logic [N-1:0] a, b,
input logic cin,
output logic [N-1:0] sum,
output logic cout
wire [N-1:0] carry;
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) begin: adder_stages
// LSb gets cin, others get carry from previous stage
if (i == 0) begin
bit_full_adder fa (
.a(a[i]), .b(b[i]), .cin(cin),
.sum(sum[i]), .cout(carry[i])
// get carry from previous stage
end else begin
bit_full_adder fa (
.a(a[i]), .b(b[i]), .cin(carry[i-1]),
.sum(sum[i]), .cout(carry[i])
end: adder_stages
assign cout = carry[N-1];
endmodule : full_adder
`endif // full_adder
// Module: tb_full_adder
// Test Bench for the n-bit full adder
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef tb_full_adder
`define tb_full_adder
`timescale 1ns/100ps // Time unit and time precision
// ensure you note the scale (ns) below in $monitor
`include "full_adder.sv"
//`include "fa.sv"
// ---------------- INTERFACE ----------------
interface full_adder_if #(parameter N = 8);
logic [N-1:0] a, b;
logic cin;
logic [N-1:0] sum;
logic cout;
endinterface : full_adder_if
module tb_full_adder;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
// Parameters & Variables
localparam N = 4;
int x = 0, y = 0, inc = 0, xyinc = 0;
int sum = 0, outc = 0;
full_adder_if #(N) ifc();
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE UNIT UNDER TEST (UUT) ----------------
// fa #(N) faddr ( // use this line for fa.sv
full_adder #(N) faddr ( // use this line for full_adder.sv
// Property and Assertion
// always @(posedge clk) begin : property_block
// property full_adder_property;
// (a + b + cin) == {cout, sum};
// endproperty
// assert property (full_adder_property)
// else $error("Full adder property failed!");
// end
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : dump_variables
// Create a VCD file for waveform viewing
// for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
// Dump all signals in the testbench and DUT
$dumpvars(0, tb_full_adder);
end : dump_variables
// display variables
initial begin: display_variables
$monitor($time,"ns a=%d(%b) b=%d(%b) cin=%b sum=%d(%b) cout=%b",
ifc.a, ifc.a, ifc.b, ifc.b, ifc.cin, ifc.sum, ifc.sum, ifc.cout);
end : display_variables
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin: apply_stimulus
// Test cases
// Remember value of N
// Loop through every value of a and b
// since adder is combinational logic, set all values to zero
ifc.a = 0; ifc.b = 0; ifc.cin = 0;
#10; // wait till cout and sum are stable
for (int i = 0; i < 2**N; i++) begin: a_loop
ifc.a = N'(i);
for (int j = 0; j < 2**N; j++) begin: b_loop
ifc.b = N'(j);
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) begin: cin_loop
ifc.cin = 1'(k);
sum = (N+1)'(ifc.a + ifc.b + ifc.cin);
outc = sum[N];
#10; // wait till cout and sum are stable
assert ( (N'(ifc.sum) == N'(sum)) && (1'(ifc.cout) == 1'(outc)) )
else $error("Test case failed: a=%b(%b), b=%b(%b), cin=%b(%b), ifc.sum=%b(%b), ifc.cout=%b(%b)",
ifc.a, N'(i), ifc.b, N'(j), ifc.cin, 1'(k), ifc.sum, N'(sum), ifc.cout, 1'(outc));
end: cin_loop
// ifc.cin = $urandom; // Generate a random value for cin
end: b_loop
end: a_loop
end: apply_stimulus
endmodule : tb_full_adder
`endif // tb_full_adder
// Module: bit_full_adder
// Parameterized one bit full adder
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef bit_full_adder
`define bit_full_adder
module bit_full_adder (
input logic a, b, cin,
output logic sum, cout
logic p, g;
always_comb begin : one_bit_full_adder
// blocking assignments
p = a ^ b;
g = a & b;
sum = p ^ cin;
cout = g | (p & cin);
end : one_bit_full_adder
endmodule : bit_full_adder
`endif // bit_full_adder
// module bit_full_adder (
// input logic a, b, cin,
// output logic sum, cout
// );
// always_comb begin : one_bit_full_adder
// sum = a ^ b ^ cin;
// cout = (a & b) | (b & cin) | (a & cin);
// end : one_bit_full_adder
// // assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin;
// // assign cout = (a & b) | (a & cin) | (b & cin);
// endmodule: bit_full_adder
// Module: fa
// Parameterized n-bit full adder
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef fa
`define fa
module fa #(parameter N = 8) (
input logic [N-1:0] a, b,
input logic cin,
output logic [N-1:0] sum,
output logic cout
assign {cout, sum} = a + b + cin;
endmodule : fa
`endif // fa
// Module: bit_half_adder
// Parameterized one bit full adder
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef bit_half_adder
`define bit_half_adder
module bit_half_adder (
input logic a, b,
output logic sum, cout
always_comb begin : one_bit_half_adder
sum = a ^ b;
cout = (a & b);
end : one_bit_half_adder
endmodule: bit_half_adder
`endif // bit_half_adder
# Makefile for Verilog building
# reference https://wiki.hacdc.org/index.php/Iverilogmakefile
# "make check" - compiles your verilog design - good for checking code
# "make simulate" - compiles your design+TB & simulates your design
# "make display" - compiles, simulates and displays waveforms
# just type on command line: make COMPONENT=module_name {compile, simulate, display, clean}
ifeq ($(COMPONENT),)
$(error COMPONENT must be defined. Please specify it on the command line, e.g., make COMPONENT=my_component)
#SRC = $(shell ls *.sv)
SRC = $(wildcard *.sv)
SIM_ARGS=+a=3 +b=2 +s=0
COMPILER = iverilog
VIEWER = gtkwave #works on your host, not docker container since it's a GUI
COFLAGS = -g2012 #-v
SFLAGS = -M . #-v
.PHONY: compile simulate display clean
compile : $(SRC)
@echo "Compiling component: $(COMPONENT)"
simulate: $(COMPONENT).vvp
@echo "Simulating component: $(COMPONENT)"
@echo "Opening GTKwave for component: $(COMPONENT)"
/bin/rm -f $(COMPONENT) $(COMPONENT).vvp $(TBOUTPUT) *.vcd a.out compiler.out
# makefile.ps1
# USAGE: .\makefile.ps1 your_module_name {compile, simulate, display, clean}
# Get the command line arguments
$COMPONENT = $args[0] # Name of the module
$command = $args[1]
#$COMPONENT = "dff" # Name of the module
$filesToRemove = @("$COMPONENT", "$TBOUTPUT")
# You need to update the paths below to the tools in your system
$COMPILER = "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\iverilog.exe"
$SIMULATOR = "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\vvp.exe"
$VIEWER = "C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\gtkwave.exe" # GUI app
$COFLAGS = "-g2012"
# Use a switch statement to handle different commands
switch ($command) {
'compile' {
# Code to execute when the command is 'compile'
Write-Host "Compiling..."
# Compile Verilog file
$compileProcessOptions = @{
FilePath = "$COMPILER"
ArgumentList = @("$COFLAGS", "-o", "$COMPONENT", "$TESTBENCH", "$SRC")
UseNewEnvironment = $true
Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait @compileProcessOptions
'simulate' {
# Code to execute when the command is 'simulate'
Write-Host "Simulating..."
# Simulate Verilog module with testbench
$simulateProcessOptions = @{
FilePath = "$SIMULATOR"
ArgumentList = @("$SFLAGS", "$COMPONENT", "$SOUTPUT")
UseNewEnvironment = $true
Write-Output @simulateProcessOptions
Start-Process @simulateProcessOptions -NoNewWindow -Wait
'display' {
# Code to execute when the command is 'display'
Write-Host "Displaying..."
# Display Verilog module with testbench
$displayProcessOptions = @{
FilePath = "$VIEWER"
ArgumentList = @("$TBOUTPUT")
UseNewEnvironment = $true
Start-Process @displayProcessOptions -NoNewWindow -Wait
'clean' {
# Code to execute when the command is 'display'
Write-Host "Cleaning up..."
# Clean up from last run
Write-Output "Removing files: $filesToRemove"
$filesToRemove | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item -Path $_ -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false }
default {
# Code to execute when the command is not recognized
Write-Host "Incorrect use of '.\makefile.ps1'. `nPlease provide the Verilog module name and the command to run with options given as follows:"
Write-Host "`t.\makefile.ps1 <module_name> <command - 'compile', 'simulate', 'display', 'clean'>"
Two’s complement representation is how negative numbers are typically stored in computers. The MSB indicates the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative). To extend a negative number, you must fill the new higher-order bits with 1s. This preserves the negative value. For positive numbers, you fill the new higher-order bits with 0s. Our manual method achieves exactly this.
method: Concise, easier to read, and less prone to errors. It’s the recommended approach in almost all cases.In almost all practical design scenarios, stick with the $signed method. It’s the industry standard for a reason. However, understanding the manual method gives you a deeper appreciation for how these fundamental operations work. It’s like knowing how a car engine works, even if you just drive the car! Any more questions? Let’s keep the discussion going.
logic signed [3:0] small_val;
logic signed [7:0] large_val;
small_val = 4'b1000; // -8
large_val = $signed(small_val); // Sign-extended to -8 in 8 bits (8'hF8)
small_val = $signed(large_val); // Narrowed. The MSB of large_val (1) is copied into small_val's MSB. The lower 3 bits are also copied. small_val remains -8.
small_val = 4'b0111; // +7
large_val = $signed(small_val); // Sign-extended to +7 in 8 bits (8'h07)
small_val = $signed(large_val); // Narrowed. The MSB of large_val (0) is copied into small_val's MSB. The lower 3 bits are also copied. small_val remains +7.
(Using Verilog's bit swizzling)// sign_extender_manual.sv
module sign_extender_manual #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (
input logic [WIDTH/2-1:0] data_in,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] data_out
// Extract the MSB
logic msb;
assign msb = data_in[WIDTH/2-1];
// Sign-extend using a conditional assignment to avoid x's
always_comb begin
if (msb == 1'b1) begin
data_out = { {WIDTH/2{1'b1}}, data_in }; // Extend with 1s
end else begin
data_out = { {WIDTH/2{1'b0}}, data_in }; // Extend with 0s
// sign_extender_tb.sv
module tb_sign_extender;
// Parameters
localparam WIDTH = 8;
// Signals
logic signed [WIDTH/2-1:0] data_in;
logic signed [WIDTH-1:0] data_out;
// Instantiate the sign extender
sign_extender_manual #(WIDTH) ext (
.data_in (data_in),
.data_out (data_out)
// Test cases
initial begin
$display("Running tests...");
// Test positive numbers
data_in = 4'b0100; // +4
#10; // Small delay for signal propagation
$display("Input: %h(%b), Output: %h(%b)", data_in, data_in, data_out, data_out);
assert (data_out == 8'h04)
else $error("Test failed!");
data_in = 4'b0001; // +1
$display("Input: %h(%b), Output: %h(%b)", data_in, data_in, data_out, data_out);
assert (data_out == 8'h01)
else $error("Test failed!");
// Test negative numbers
data_in = 4'b1000; // -8 (2's complement)
$display("Input: %h(%b), Output: %h(%b)", data_in, data_in, data_out, data_out);
assert (data_out == 8'hf8)
else $error("Test failed!");
data_in = 4'b1111; // -1 (2's complement)
$display("Input: %h(%b), Output: %h(%b)", data_in, data_in, data_out, data_out);
assert (data_out == 8'hff)
else $error("Test failed!");
// Test zero
data_in = 4'b0000; // 0
$display("Input: %h(%b), Output: %h(%b)", data_in, data_in, data_out, data_out);
assert (data_out == 8'h00)
else $error("Test failed!");
(Using SystemVerilog's `$signed`)// sign_extender.sv
module sign_extender #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (
input logic signed [WIDTH/2-1:0] data_in, // Input data (half the output width)
output logic signed [WIDTH-1:0] data_out // Output data (full width)
assign data_out = $signed(data_in); // Sign extension happens implicitly with $signed
// Module: configurable_clock
// Clock generator with configurable period and duty cycle
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef configurable_clock
`define configurable_clock
module configurable_clock
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
parameter integer WIDTH = 8, // Width of the counter and period/duty cycle values
parameter real FAST_CLK_PERIOD = 1.0 // Period of the faster clock (e.g., 1ns)
) (
input logic fast_clk, // The faster clock
input logic rst, // Reset
input logic enable, // Enable the clock generator
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] period, // Total period of the output clock
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] duty_cycle, // "On" time of the output clock
output logic clk_out // The output clock with configurable duty cycle
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
logic [WIDTH-1:0] counter;
always_ff @(posedge fast_clk) begin
if (rst) begin
counter <= 0;
clk_out <= 0;
end else if (enable) begin
if (counter < duty_cycle) begin
clk_out <= 1;
end else begin
clk_out <= 0;
if (counter == period - 1) begin // Reset at the end of the period
counter <= 0;
end else begin
counter <= counter + 1;
endmodule : configurable_clock
`endif // configurable_clock
// Testbench for configurable_clock
// module: tb_configurable_clock
// modeling: Structural and Behavioral
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`timescale 1ns/100ps // Time unit and time precision
// ensure you note the scale (ns) below in $monitor
`include "configurable_clock.sv"
module tb_configurable_clock;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
// Parameters
localparam integer DELAY = 5;
localparam integer DEPTH = 8; // Number of registers
localparam integer WIDTH = 8; // Width of each register
//inputs are reg for test bench - or use logic
reg [WIDTH-1:0] period = 'd2; // note bit width casting using `d4 to WIDTH width
reg [WIDTH-1:0] duty = 'd1; // note bit width casting using `d4 to WIDTH width
logic clk, fastest_clk;
logic rst;
logic enable;
//outputs are wire for test bench - or use logic
wire [WIDTH-1:0] read_data;
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE UNIT UNDER TEST (UUT) ----------------
// Base clock generation (fastest_clk)
// Clock generation
initial begin
fastest_clk = 0;
forever #0.1 fastest_clk = ~fastest_clk;
// Clock instantiation
configurable_clock clocks (
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : dump_variables
// Create a VCD file for waveform viewing
// for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
// Dump all signals in the testbench and DUT
$dumpvars(0, tb_configurable_clock);
* display variables
initial begin: display_variables
$monitor($time,"ns clk=%b rst=%b enable=%b",
clk, rst, enable);
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin : apply_stimuli
rst = 1; enable = 0; write_en = 0;
#10 rst = 0;
enable = 1;
#10 rst = 1;
enable = 0;
endmodule : tb_configurable_clock
// program_counter.sv
module program_counter #(parameter WIDTH = 8) (
input logic clk,
input logic rst,
input logic enable, // Enable/disable counting
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] load_value, // Value to load when load is asserted
input logic load,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] pc_out
logic [WIDTH-1:0] pc_reg; // Internal register to store the PC value
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
pc_reg <= 0;
end else if (load) begin
pc_reg <= load_value;
end else if (enable) begin
pc_reg <= pc_reg + 1;
assign pc_out = pc_reg;
// tb_program_counter.sv
module tb_program_counter;
// Parameters
localparam WIDTH = 8;
// Signals
logic clk;
logic rst;
logic enable;
logic [WIDTH-1:0] load_value;
logic load;
logic [WIDTH-1:0] pc_out;
// Instantiate the program counter
program_counter #(WIDTH) pc (
.clk (clk),
.rst (rst),
.enable (enable),
.load_value (load_value),
.load (load),
.pc_out (pc_out)
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : dump_variables
// Create a VCD file for waveform viewing
// for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
// Dump all signals in the testbench and DUT
$dumpvars(0, tb_program_counter);
end : dump_variables
// display variables
initial begin: display_variables
$monitor($time,"ns clk=%b rst=%b enable=%b load_value=%d(%b) load=%b pc_out=%d(%b)",
pc.clk, pc.rst, pc.enable, pc.load_value, pc.load_value, pc.load, pc.load, pc.pc_out, pc.pc_out);
end : display_variables
// Clock generation
initial begin
clk = 0;
forever #5 clk = ~clk; // Period of 10 time units
// Test sequence
initial begin
$display("Running tests...");
rst = 1;
enable = 0;
load = 0;
rst = 0; // Release reset
// Test initial value
assert (pc_out == 8'h00)
else $error("Test failed: Initial value incorrect");
// Test incrementing
enable = 1;
assert (pc_out == 8'h01)
else $error("Test failed: Increment 1");
assert (pc_out == 8'h02)
else $error("Test failed: Increment 2");
assert (pc_out == 8'h03)
else $error("Test failed: Increment 3");
// Test loading a value
enable = 0;
load = 1;
load_value = 8'hA5;
assert (pc_out == 8'hA5)
else $error("Test failed: Load value");
// Test incrementing after load
enable = 1;
load = 0;
assert (pc_out == 8'hA6)
else $error("Test failed: Increment after load");
//Test wrapping around
load_value = 8'hFF;
load = 1;
enable = 0;
assert (pc_out == 8'hFF)
else $error("Test failed: Load max value");
load = 0;
enable = 1;
assert (pc_out == 8'h00)
else $error("Test failed: Wrap around");
// Module: dff
// D Flip-Flop with Reset and Enable
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef dff
`define dff
module dff
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
input logic clk,
input logic rst,
input logic enable,
input logic d,
output logic q
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
q <= 0; // Synchronous reset
end else if (enable) begin
q <= d; // Data is loaded only when enable is high
endmodule : dff
`endif // dff
// Module: register
// Parameterized Register
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef register
`define register
`include "dff.sv"
module register
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
parameter WIDTH = 8 // Default width of 8 bits
) (
input logic clk,
input logic rst,
input logic enable,
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d, // Data input, parameterized width
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q // Data output, parameterized width
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
logic [WIDTH-1:0] q_internal; // Internal signal for dff outputs
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) begin : flip_flops
dff flip_flops (
.d(d[i]), // Connecting individual bits of d
.q(q_internal[i]) // Connecting individual bits of q_internal
assign q = q_internal; // Assign internal signal to output q
endmodule : register
`endif // register
// Module: register_file
// Parameterized Register File
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef register_file
`define register_file
`include "register.sv"
module register_file
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
parameter DEPTH = 8, // Number of registers (default 8)
parameter WIDTH = 8 // Width of each register (inherited or specified)
) (
input logic clk,
input logic rst,
input logic enable,
input logic [$clog2(DEPTH)-1:0] write_addr, // Write address
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] write_data, // Write data
input logic write_en, // Write enable
input logic [$clog2(DEPTH)-1:0] read_addr, // Read address
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] read_data // Read data
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
// Array of registers
register #( .WIDTH(WIDTH) ) registers [DEPTH-1:0]; // Parameterized register instances
localparam bit [WIDTH-1:0] ZERO = '0;
logic [WIDTH-1:0] q_internal [DEPTH-1:0]; // Internal signal for register outputs
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < DEPTH; i++) begin : register_instances
register #( .WIDTH(WIDTH) ) registers (
.enable(enable && write_en && (write_addr == i)), // Simplified enable logic
.q(q_internal[i]) // Output not directly connected within the array
// Debugging with $display inside the generate block
initial begin : debug_generate_registers
$display($time, "ns Register %0d: enable=%b, write_en=%b, write_addr=%0d", i, enable && write_en && (write_addr == i), write_en, write_addr);
// Inside register_file module:
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
read_data <= q_internal[read_addr];
endmodule : register_file
`endif // register_file
// Testbench for register_file
// module: tb_dff
// modeling: Structural and Behavioral
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`timescale 10ms/100us // Time unit and time precision
// ensure you note the scale (ns) below in $monitor
`include "register_file.sv"
`include "configurable_clock.sv"
module tb_register_file;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
// Parameters
localparam integer DELAY = 5;
localparam integer DEPTH = 8; // Number of registers
localparam integer WIDTH = 8; // Width of each register
localparam bit [WIDTH-1:0] ZERO = '0;
static shortint addr = 3'h0;
static shortint val = 8'h00;
reg[WIDTH-1:0] rval;
reg[31:0] rseed;
//inputs are reg for test bench - or use logic
logic clk, fastest_clk;
logic rst;
logic enable;
logic [$clog2(DEPTH)-1:0] write_addr;
logic [WIDTH-1:0] write_data;
logic write_en;
logic [$clog2(DEPTH)-1:0] read_addr;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] period = 'd2; // note bit width casting using `d4 to WIDTH width
reg [WIDTH-1:0] duty = 'd1; // note bit width casting using `d4 to WIDTH width
//outputs are wire for test bench - or use logic
wire [WIDTH-1:0] read_data;
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE UNIT UNDER TEST (UUT) ----------------
// Base clock generation (fastest_clk)
// Clock generation
initial begin
fastest_clk = 0;
forever #0.1 fastest_clk = ~fastest_clk;
// Clock instantiation
configurable_clock clocks (
// Register file instantiation
register_file rf (
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : dump_variables
// Create a VCD file for waveform viewing
// for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
// Dump all signals in the testbench and DUT
$dumpvars(0, tb_register_file);
* display variables
initial begin: display_variables
$monitor($time,"ms clk=%b rst=%b enable=%b write_addr=%h write_data=%h write_en=%b read_addr=%h read_data=%h",
clk, rst, enable, write_addr, write_data, write_en, read_addr, read_data);
// // Correct way to probe registers: use a procedural block with a loop and generate block
// genvar k;
// generate
// for (k = 0; k < DEPTH; k++) begin : probe_registers
// always @(posedge clk) begin
// $display($time, "ns Register %0d: q=%h", k, rf.registers[k].q);
// end
// end
// endgenerate
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin : apply_stimuli
rst = 1; enable = 0; write_en = 0;
#1 rst = 0;
enable = 1;
// TEST 0 - initialize all the registers to zero
$display("Initialize all registers to zero");
for (addr = 0; addr < DEPTH; addr++) begin
write_addr = addr; write_data = ZERO; read_addr = write_addr;
write_en = 1;
#5 write_en = 0;
assert (read_data == write_data)
else $error("Read data mismatch!\n\tAddr (%h) = Data (%h), should be (%h)",
read_addr, read_data, write_data);
// reset for next test
addr = ZERO; val = ZERO;
#5 read_addr = ZERO; write_addr = ZERO; write_data = ZERO;
rst = 1; enable = 0; write_en = 0;
#5 rst = 0;
enable = 1;
// TEST 1
$display("TEST 1");
addr = 3'h4; val = 8'h01;
write_addr = addr; write_data = val; read_addr = write_addr;
write_en = 1;
#5 write_en = 0;
assert (read_data == write_data)
else $error("Read data mismatch!\n\tAddr (%h) = Data (%h), should be (%h)",
read_addr, read_data, write_data);
// reset for next test
addr = ZERO; val = ZERO;
#10 read_addr = ZERO; write_addr = ZERO; write_data = ZERO;
rst = 1; enable = 0; write_en = 0;
#5 rst = 0;
enable = 1;
// TEST 2
$display("TEST 2");
addr = 3'h6; val = 8'h10;
write_addr = addr; write_data = val; read_addr = write_addr;
write_en = 1;
#5 write_en = 0;
assert (read_data == write_data)
else $error("Read data mismatch!\n\tAddr (%h) = Data (%h), should be (%h)",
read_addr, read_data, write_data);
// reset for next test
addr = ZERO; val = ZERO;
#10 read_addr = ZERO; write_addr = ZERO; write_data = ZERO;
rst = 1; enable = 0; write_en = 0;
#5 rst = 0;
enable = 1;
// TEST all register addresses
$display("TEST all register addresses");
for (addr = DEPTH-1; addr > -1; addr--) begin
// release val; force val = $urandom_range($pow(2,WIDTH)-1,0);
// rval = $random(rseed) % WIDTH;
// val = rval;
#1 val = addr;
write_addr = addr; write_data = val; read_addr = write_addr;
write_en = 1;
#5 write_en = 0;
assert (read_data == write_data)
else $error("Read data mismatch!\n\tAddr (%h) = Data (%h), should be (%h)",
read_addr, read_data, write_data);
// reset to end
addr = ZERO; val = ZERO;
#10 read_addr = ZERO; write_addr = ZERO; write_data = ZERO;
rst = 1; enable = 0; write_en = 0;
#2 rst = 0;
#2 enable = 0;
endmodule : tb_register_file
// Module: configurable_clock
// Clock generator with configurable period and duty cycle
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef configurable_clock
`define configurable_clock
module configurable_clock
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
parameter integer WIDTH = 8, // Width of the counter and period/duty cycle values
parameter real FAST_CLK_PERIOD = 1.0 // Period of the faster clock (e.g., 1ns)
) (
input logic fast_clk, // The faster clock
input logic rst, // Reset
input logic enable, // Enable the clock generator
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] period, // Total period of the output clock
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] duty_cycle, // "On" time of the output clock
output logic clk_out // The output clock with configurable duty cycle
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
logic [WIDTH-1:0] counter;
always_ff @(posedge fast_clk) begin
if (rst) begin
counter <= 0;
clk_out <= 0;
end else if (enable) begin
if (counter < duty_cycle) begin
clk_out <= 1;
end else begin
clk_out <= 0;
if (counter == period - 1) begin // Reset at the end of the period
counter <= 0;
end else begin
counter <= counter + 1;
endmodule : configurable_clock
`endif // configurable_clock