<5 points>
Total points | Explanation |
0 | Not handed in |
1 | Handed in late |
2 | Handed in on time, not every problem fully worked through and clearly identifying the solution |
3 | Handed in on time, each problem answered a boxed answer, each problems answered with a clearly worked through solution, and less than majority of problems answered correctly |
4 | Handed in on time, majority of problems answered correctly, each solution boxed clearly, and each problem fully worked through |
5 | Handed in on time, every problem answered correctly, every solution boxed clearly, and every problem fully worked through. |
Reading links are stored on our course’s Teams instance.
GitHub Classroom Assignment Link: https://classroom.github.com/a/GSFzh7kV
Write up your solution on paper then scan into a PDF or write in an editor then export to a PDF. Then add the PDF to the GitHub Classroom assignment repository. Remember to just add the GitHub repository to the Microsoft Team’s assignment from here.
, and you’ll need this for each module Makefile, one in each module directory; don’t forget to rename your module in the Makefile