< 5 points >
| Total points | Explanation |
| -----------: | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| 0 | Not handed in |
| 1 | Handed in late |
| 2 | Handed in on time, not every problem fully worked through and clearly identifying the solution |
| 3 | Handed in on time, each problem answered a boxed answer, each problems answered with a clearly worked through solution, and **less than majority** of problems answered correctly |
| 4 | Handed in on time, **majority** of problems answered correctly, each solution boxed clearly, and each problem fully worked through |
| 5 | Handed in on time, every problem answered correctly, every solution boxed clearly, and every problem fully worked through.
GitHub Classroom Assignment Link: https://classroom.github.com/a/GSFzh7kV
Write up your solution on paper then scan into a PDF or write in an editor then export to a PDF. Then add the PDF to the GitHub Classroom assignment repository. Remember to just add the GitHub repository to the Microsoft Team’s assignment from here.
Convert the following pairs of decimal number to 6-bit 2’s-complement numbers. Then perform addition and subtraction on each pair. Indicate whether or not overlow occurs for each case.
Let’s review the range of values for a 6-bit number using 2’s-complement $-2^{n-1}$ to $+2^{n-1}-1$. So for integers represented by $n$ = 6 bits, the range of numbers that can be represented is $-32$ to $+31$.
Let’s review definition of overflow. Overflow in 2’s-complement addition occurs when you add two positive numbers and the result is negative, or when you add two negative numbers and the result is positive.
Convert each number to its 6-bit 2’s-complement equivalent:
Note the following when converting from base-10 numbers to 2’s-complement binary
If the base-10 number is
$16$ in binary: 10000
, and in 6-bit 2’s complement $16$ = 010000
$29$ in binary: 11101
, and in 6-bit 2’s complement $29$ = 011101
$16$ = 010000
$29$ = 011101
010000 (16)
+ 011101 (29)
101101 (-19) since most significant bit (MSb) is 1, the result is negative. Therefore, perform 2's-complement to find the positive value of the result.
Since the MSb is 1
, the sum is negative, and we know $16+29=45$, a positive number outside the 6-bit 2’s-complement range.
Therefore, the answer calculated here is $-19$, and there is an overflow
Since we added two positive numbers (both have a 0
in the MSb), and the result is negative (1
in the MSB), this is an overflow situation. The result, 101101
, is not the correct representation of $45$ in 6-bit 2’s complement. $45$ is outside the range of what we can represent with 6 bits ($-32$ to $+31$).
$16 - 29$ is the same as $16 + (-29)$. We have $16$ in 2’s-complement, so let’s convert $-29$ to it’s 2’s-complement equivalent.
$16$ in binary: 10000
, and in 6-bit 2’s complement $16$ = 010000
$29$ in binary: 11101
, and in 6-bit 2’s complement, (negate $+29$ → 100010
, add 1 → 100011
010000 (16)
+ 100011 (-29)
110011 (-13) since most significant bit (MSb) is 1, the result is negative. Therefore, perform 2's-complement to find the positive value of the result.
Since the MSb is 1
, the sum is negative, and we know 16-29=-13
, the result is as expected and is within the range of 6-bit 2’s-complement.
Therefore, the answer calculated here is $-13$, and there is no overflow.
$-26$ in binary: first $+26$ =11010
, and in 6-bit 2’s-complement, (negate +26
→ 100101
, add 1 → $-26$ = 100110
$19$ in binary: 10011
, and in 6-bit 2’s-complement $19$ = 010011
(it’s already positive, so 2’s-complement same)
$-26$ = 100110
$19$ = 010011
100110 (-26)
+ 010011 (19)
111001 (-7) since most significant bit (MSb) is 1, the result is negative. Therefore, perform 2's-complement to find the positive value of the result.
Since the MSb is 1
, the sum is negative, and we know -26+19=-7
, the result is as expected and is within the range of 6-bit 2’s-complement.
Therefore, the answer calculated here is $-7$, and there is no overflow.
$-26 - 19$ is the same as $-26 + (-19)$. We have $-26$ in 2’s-complement, so let’s convert $-19$ to it’s 2’s-complement equivalent.
$-26$ in 6-bit 2’s-complement: 100110
, from above
$-19$ in 6-bit 2’s-complement: 101101
; $+19$ in binary: 10011
, and in 6-bit 2’s complement, (negate $+19$ → 101100
, add 1 → 101101
100110 (-26)
+ 101101 (-19)
1010011 (+19) since most significant bit (MSb) is 0, the result is positive. Note, there is a carry-out bit for the MSb
Since the MSb is 0
, the sum is positive, and we know $-26-19=-45$, the result is NOT as expected and is NOT within the range of 6-bit 2’s-complement.
Therefore, the answer calculated here is $+19$, and there is overflow
Create the module and test bench in SystemVerilog for the following digital circuits; you must use the Verilog module template and the Verilog test bench template. Each module will have its own directory. Therefore, for each module, you will also need include the command-line build files, as we discussed in class.
// Module: mux_4to1
// 4-to-1 multiplexer
// module: mux_4to1
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Gate-Level Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef mux_4to1
`define mux_4to1
module mux_4to1 (
input logic [3:0] data_in,
input logic [1:0] sel,
output logic data_out
logic w0, w1, w2, w3; // Intermediate wires
// Instantiate AND gates for each data input
and g0 (w0, data_in[0], ~sel[1], ~sel[0]);
and g1 (w1, data_in[1], ~sel[1], sel[0]);
and g2 (w2, data_in[2], sel[1], ~sel[0]);
and g3 (w3, data_in[3], sel[1], sel[0]);
// Instantiate an OR gate to combine the AND gate outputs
or g4 (data_out, w0, w1, w2, w3);
`endif // mux_4to1
// Module: Testbench for module mux_4to1
// Testbench for decoder_2mux_4to1to1
// module: tb_mux_4to1
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`timescale 1ns/100ps
// ensure you note the scale (ns) below in $monitor
`include "mux_4to1.sv"
module tb_mux_4to1;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
//inputs are reg for test bench - or use logic
//outputs are wire for test bench - or use logic
logic [3:0] data_in;
logic [1:0] sel;
logic data_out;
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE DEVICE UNDER TEST (DUT) ----------------
mux_4to1 dut (
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : initialize_variables
data_in = 4'b0000; // binary value, 4 bits wide
sel = 2'b00; // binary value, 2 bits wide
// display variables
//initial begin: display_variables
// // note: currently only simple signals or constant expressions may be passed to $monitor.
// $monitor ($time,"ns,\t sel = %b\t data_in = %b\t data_out = %b",sel,data_in,data_out);
initial begin : dump_variables
$dumpfile("mux_4to1.vcd"); // for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
$dumpvars(2, dut);
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin : apply_stimuli
// Test all possible combinations
// Loop on data_in
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) begin
data_in = i;
// Loop on sel
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) begin
sel = j;
#10; // Small delay for simulation
$display("Data In: %4b, Select: %2b, Output: %b", data_in, sel, data_out);
// Verification (optional, but highly recommended)
case (sel)
2'b00: if (data_out !== data_in[0]) $error("Test failed!");
2'b01: if (data_out !== data_in[1]) $error("Test failed!");
2'b10: if (data_out !== data_in[2]) $error("Test failed!");
2'b11: if (data_out !== data_in[3]) $error("Test failed!");
// Module: decoder_4bit
// 4-bit Decoder
// module: decoder_4bit
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Behavioral Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
// Notes on this digital circuit
// 1- Uses always_comb for combinational logic, which is more efficient than always @* in modern SystemVerilog.
`ifndef decoder_4bit
`define decoder_4bit
module decoder_4bit(
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
input logic [3:0] sel,
output logic [15:0] y
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
always_comb begin
y = 16'b0; // Initialize all outputs to 0
case (sel)
4'b0000: y[0] = 1;
4'b0001: y[1] = 1;
4'b0010: y[2] = 1;
4'b0011: y[3] = 1;
4'b0100: y[4] = 1;
4'b0101: y[5] = 1;
4'b0110: y[6] = 1;
4'b0111: y[7] = 1;
4'b1000: y[8] = 1;
4'b1001: y[9] = 1;
4'b1010: y[10] = 1;
4'b1011: y[11] = 1;
4'b1100: y[12] = 1;
4'b1101: y[13] = 1;
4'b1110: y[14] = 1;
4'b1111: y[15] = 1;
default: y = 16'b0; // Default case to ensure all outputs are 0
`endif // decoder_4bit
// Module: Testbench for module decoder_4bit
// Testbench for decoder_4bit
// module: tb_decoder_4bit
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`timescale 1ns/100ps
`include "decoder_4bit.sv"
module tb_decoder_4bit;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
//inputs are reg for test bench - or use logic
logic [3:0] sel;
//outputs are wire for test bench - or use logic
wire [15:0] y;
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE UNIT UNDER TEST (UUT) ----------------
decoder_4bit dut (
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : initialize_variables
sel = 4'b0000; // initialize sel 4-bit vector to zero.
initial begin : dump_variables
$dumpfile("decoder_4bit.vcd"); // for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
$dumpvars(2, dut);
// display variables
//initial begin: display_variables
// note: currently only simple signals or constant expressions may be passed to $monitor.
// $monitor ($time,"ns, X1-X2-X4-X4 = %b, Z1 = %b", {X1,X2,X3,X4}, Z1);
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin : apply_stimuli
// Test all possible select values
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) begin
sel = i;
#10; // Small delay
//$display("Select: %04b, Output: %16b", sel, y);
// Verification (essential for a good testbench)
for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) begin
if (j == i) begin
if (y[j] !== 1) begin
//$error("Test failed for sel = %0d, y[%0d] should be 1", i, j);
else begin
if (y[j] !== 0) begin
//$error("Test failed for sel = %0d, y[%0d] should be 0", i, j);
#10 $finish;
// Module: full_adder_4bit
// 4-bit full adder
// module: full_adder_4bit
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Gate Level Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef adder_4bit
`define adder_4bit
`include "full_adder_1bit.sv"
module full_adder_4bit(
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
input [3:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input cin,
output [3:0] sum,
output cout
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
wire [3:0] c; // Internal carries
// Instantiate full adders for each bit
full_adder_1bit fa0 (
full_adder_1bit fa1 (
full_adder_1bit fa2 (
full_adder_1bit fa3 (
.cout(cout) // Output carry
`endif // full_adder_4bit
// Module: full_adder_1bit
// 1-bit adder
// module: full_adder_1bit
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// modeling: Gate Level Modeling
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`ifndef full_adder_1bit
`define full_adder_1bit
// DO NOT FORGET TO RENAME MODULE_NAME to match your module_name
module full_adder_1bit(
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF PORT IN/OUT & DATA TYPES ----------------
input a,
input b,
input cin,
output sum,
output cout
// ---------------- MODULE DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ----------------
wire w1, w2, w3;
xor g1 (w1, a, b);
and g2 (w2, w1, cin);
xor g3 (sum, w1, cin);
and g4 (w3, a, b);
or g5 (cout, w2, w3);
`endif // full_adder_1bit
// Module: Testbench for module full_adder_4bit
// Testbench for full_adder_4bit
// module: tb_full_adder_4bit
// hdl: SystemVerilog
// author: Prof. Rob Marano <rob@cooper.edu>
`timescale 1ns/100ps
// ensure you note the scale (ns) below in $monitor
`include "full_adder_4bit.sv"
module tb_full_adder_4bit;
// ---------------- DECLARATIONS OF DATA TYPES ----------------
//inputs are reg for test bench - or use logic
reg [3:0] a;
reg [3:0] b;
reg cin;
//outputs are wire for test bench - or use logic
wire [3:0] sum;
wire cout;
// ---------------- INSTANTIATE UNIT UNDER TEST (UUT) ----------------
full_adder_4bit dut (
// ---------------- INITIALIZE TEST BENCH ----------------
initial begin : initialize_variables
cin = 0;
a = 4'b0000;
b = 4'b0000;
initial begin : dump_variables
$dumpfile("full_adder_4bit.vcd"); // for Makefile, make dump file same as module name
$dumpvars(1, dut);
* display variables
initial begin: display_variables
// note: currently only simple signals or constant expressions may be passed to $monitor.
$monitor($time, "ns\t sum = %04b, a = %04b, b = %04b, cin = %b, cout = %b", sum, a, b, cin, cout);
// ---------------- APPLY INPUT VECTORS ----------------
// note: following the keyword begin is the name of the block: apply_stimulus
initial begin : apply_stimuli
// Test cases
// cin = 0;
a = 4'b0000;
b = 4'b0000;
#10; // Wait for propagation delay
// cin = 0;
a = 4'b0001;
b = 4'b0010;
// cin = 1;
a = 4'b0111;
b = 4'b1001;
// cin = 0;
a = 4'b1111;
b = 4'b1111;
#10 $finish;
2’s-complement is a way to represent signed integers (positive and negative numbers) in binary.
Here’s how you represent a base-10 number in 2’s complement:
s to 1
s and all the 1
s to 0
s. 1
to the result from the previous step. Using 2’s-complement representation, n
bits can represent values in the range $-2^{n-1}$ to $+2^{n-1}-1$. So for 6 bit numbers, the range of numbers that can be represented is $-32$ to $+31$. When the actual result of an arithmetic operation is outside the representable range, an arithmetic overflow has occurred.
When adding unsigned numbers, a carry-out of $1$ from the most significant bit (MSb) position indicates that an overflow has occurred. However, this is not always true when adding signed numbers. For example, using 2’s-complement representation for 4-bit signed numbers, if we add $+7$ (0111
) and $+4$ (0100
), the sum vector (bit representation) is 1011
, which is the representation of $-5$, an incorrect result for $7+4$. In this case, the carry-out bit from the MSb position is 0
, meaning the leading zero here 01011
. If we add $-4$ and $-6$, we get $+6$ = 0110
, also an incorrect result. In this case, the carry-out bit is 1
, meaning 10110
, that is $-4$ (1100
) + $-6$ (1010
) = 10110
. Hence, the value of the carry-out bit from the sign-bit position is NOT an indicator of overflow. Clearly, overflow may occur only if both summands have the same sign. The addition of numbers with different signs cannot cause overflow because the result is always within the representable range.
These observations lead to the following way to detect overflow when adding two numbers in 2’s-complement representation:
To detect overflow when subtracting two numbers $A+B$ in 2’s-complement representation:
An overflow occurs when subtracting two 2’s-complement numbers only if the minuend ($A$) and the subtrahend ($B$) have different signs, and the result ($A - B$) has the same sign as the subtrahend ($B$).