ISA Design |
34 |
ALU Operand Size |
2 |
Address Bus Size |
2 |
Addressability |
2 |
Register File Size |
2 |
Opcode Size |
2 |
Function Size |
2 |
shamt Size |
2 |
Instruction Size |
2 |
PC Increment |
2 |
Immediate Size |
2 |
R-type Instruction support |
2 |
I-type Instruction support |
2 |
Memory Reference Support |
2 |
J-type Instruction support |
2 |
R-type Instructions |
2 |
I-type Instructions |
2 |
J-type Instructions |
2 |
Memory Design & Implementation |
16 |
Instruction Memory |
3 |
Data Memory |
3 |
Memory Layout |
5 |
Program Load into Processor |
5 |
Process Design & Implementation |
120 |
Clock Design |
2 |
Overall Control Signals (regwrite,regdst,alusrc,branch,memwrite,memtoreg,jump,aluop[]) |
10 |
Multiplexors (regdst,alusrc,pcsrc,mem2reg) |
4 |
Main Decoder Details |
5 |
ALU Decoder |
5 |
R-Type Instruction Impl |
5 |
I-Type Instruction Impl |
5 |
J-Type Instruction Impl |
5 |
PC – Increment for R- and I-types |
5 |
PC – Increment for J-type |
5 |
PC – Increment for Cond Branch |
5 |
Datapath Design (imem, dmem, alu, regfile, signext, sll) |
5 |
PC increment adders (pc+1 adder, pc+jump adder, shift logical left) |
5 |
Register File |
5 |
Sign Entender(s) |
3 |
ALU (and,or,nor,add,sub,slt) |
5 |
Controller – Datapath Integration |
5 |
Program Load Integration |
4 |
Provided Assembly Program in code |
4 |
Hand-compiled Program |
4 |
Program 0 - Simple Assembly Code |
4 |
Program 1 - Leaf Procedure Code |
5 |
Program 2 - Nested Procedure Code |
5 |
Program 3 - Recursive Procedure Code |
10 |
Project & Design Documentation |
30 |
Overall Design Explanation |
5 |
Overall Design Diagrams |
5 |
R-type timing diagram |
5 |
I-type timing diagram |
5 |
J-type timing diagram |
5 |
Instructions to Successfully Run Demo Programs |
5 |
Extra Credit |
70 |
Programmatic Assembler |
15 |
Verilog Test Benches for each element |
5 |
Adding Structural Modeling for Circuit Delays |
5 |
Demo Video Recording on YouTube |
5 |
Pipeline Design Support |
20 |
Cache Support |
20 |