Musings, Courses, & Projects by Rob Marano

CS 102 Section C - Fall 2021 - Assignment 1


Due by Friday, October 1, 2021 11:59:59pm ET

1 - Create your homework repository on GitHub with the following name:
{Last Name}_{First Name}_cs102_section_c_fall_2021_HOMEWORKS

2 - Create a branch for each homework assignment; for this assignment you will create the first branch with this command:
git checkout -b HW1

3 - (1 pt) Code a C program that accepts five integer variables from the user via STDIN and calculate and print out to STDOUT the mean, median, and mode. Include a Makefile, and use it to build and run the program.

4 - (1 pt) Code a C program that accepts three separate strings from the user via STDIN, sort alphabetically in ascending order, and print out to STDOUT first the order provided by the user and then the sorted order. Include a Makefile, and use it to build and run the program.

5 - (3 pt) Code a C program that takes an ASCII string as input from the user via STDIN and print out the string in large block characters using the hash (#) character; for example,

#     #   ####    ####   #####   ######  #####
#        #    #  #    #  #    #  #       #    #
#        #    #  #    #  #    #  #####   #    #
#        #    #  #    #  #####   #       #####
#     #  #    #  #    #  #       #       #   #
 #####    ####    ####   #       ######  #    #

Include a Makefile, and use it to build and run the program.